Wisdom Teeth Pain and Extraction

wisdom teeth removal

Are you suffering from wisdom teeth pain? Choose Spring Orchid Dental for your wisdom teeth removal in Bassendean, where comfort meets expert care. Our skilled team specializes in wisdom teeth extraction to prevent future problems.

Know About Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, develop last in the mouth during the late teenage years or early adulthood (18-23).

Most people have four, but some have fewer or none. Wisdom teeth were useful for grinding plant material in our evolutionary past. However, many people lack space for them today due to modern diets and hygiene.

Wisdom teeth can cause pain, infection, and other oral health issues if they become impacted and don’t fully emerge through the gum. While many people require removal, it’s not always necessary and should be decided by a dentist or oral surgeon.

What To Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removed

Key Benefits of Wisdom Teeth Removal

Vertical Impaction​

Relief from Pain

Impacted wisdom teeth can hinder daily life with significant pain. Their removal can drastically reduce discomfort and improve oral function.

Mesial Impaction​

Infection Prevention

Extraction of impacted wisdom teeth can prevent potential infections, including dental abscesses, by eliminating the source of bacteria.

Pain Alleviation

The removal of wisdom teeth often provides immediate relief from severe toothaches, allowing a return to comfort and normalcy.

Horizontal Impaction

Gum Health Improvement

Wisdom teeth situated in areas difficult to clean can increase the risk of gum disease. Their removal helps maintain a cleaner mouth and healthier gums.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction Symptoms and Risks

When it comes to wisdom teeth extraction, understanding the symptoms and risks is crucial. Here’s why:



Given these symptoms and risks, it’s vital to consult with a dental professional. Our dentist will evaluate your situation and recommend wisdom teeth extraction if necessary. Trust us to guide you toward optimal oral health and well-being.

Recovery timeline

  • The first 24 hours: A blood clot will develop.
  • From 2-3 days: Your mouth and cheeks should feel less swollen.
  • A week: Any remaining stitches may be removed by a dentist.
  • 7–10 days: It should become less painful and rigid in the jaw.
  • 2 weeks: Any minor facial bruises ought to disappear.
Get relief from wisdom teeth pain now!

Book your wisdom teeth treatment now and enjoy a pain-free smile.
Or Call us at 08 6155 8999

Why Choose Spring Orchid Dental Bassendean?

  • Expertise

At Spring Orchid Dental Bassendean, we have a team of skilled dentists with extensive experience in performing wisdom teeth treatments. You can trust our expertise and knowledge to provide the highest quality care.

  • Advanced Technology

We utilize state-of-the-art dental technology and equipment to ensure precise and efficient wisdom teeth treatments. Our modern techniques enhance accuracy, reduce discomfort, and promote faster recovery.

  • Personalized Care

We understand that every patient is unique, and we tailor our wisdom teeth treatment approach to meet your specific needs. Our compassionate team will listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and provide personalized care to ensure your comfort throughout the process.

  • Comprehensive Approach

Our dental practice offers a comprehensive range of services, allowing us to address any additional dental issues alongside your wisdom teeth treatment. Whether you require pre-extraction evaluations, post-operative care, or follow-up visits, we are committed to providing comprehensive dental care.


6/85 Walter Rd E, Bassendean WA 6054, Australia


08 6155 8999

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Depending on how many teeth are being extracted and how tough the extraction is, wisdom tooth surgery can last anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours. You should typically skip work or school so you can recover following the procedure.

After having a wisdom teeth out, it is normally advised that you take a day or two off work. You will not require a doctor’s or dentist’s note for this.

You get sedative anesthetic from your oral surgeon or dentist via an intravenous (IV) line in your arm. During the surgery, sedation anesthetic reduces your consciousness. You experience no pain and have only a hazy recall of the surgery. Additionally, you’ll need local anaesthetic to make your gums numb.

For the first few nights after wisdom tooth extraction, you should sleep with your head up. If you like to sleep on your side, one pillow should be adequate. Lean back and stack a few pillows behind you for support if you’re having difficulties falling asleep in that posture.

The first two days following surgery are typically the most painful. You won’t experience as much pain on day one because the sedatives and medications used during surgery are still in your bloodstream. 

But you won’t feel wisdom tooth pain anymore after that.

To prevent swelling from wisdom teeth removal, you can apply ice to the affected area for the first 24-48 hours, take prescribed pain medication and follow your dentist’s instructions for post-operative care. Avoid smoking, using straws, or consuming hot liquids for the first few days after the surgery. Additionally, keeping your head elevated while sleeping can also help reduce swelling.

How much does it cost to get wisdom teeth out in Perth?

Wisdom tooth removal in Bassendean, Perth, WA costs between $200 and $420 per tooth, depending on the number of teeth, procedure complexity, and dentist’s experience. This price excludes insurance, which often covers part of the cost.