Face Shape Before And After Wisdom Teeth Removal? Spring Orchid Dental

Face shape before and after wisdom teeth removal? Do you want to know whether your face may be altered by removing your wisdom teeth? The answer depends on several things. If wisdom teeth are beneath the gums or don’t have enough room to grow, they might push on other teeth, giving a lopsided grin. Sunken cheeks might result from unbalanced upper and lower cheeks. This may alter the grin and face:

Face Shape Before And After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Face Shape Before And After Wisdom Teeth Removal

T is a confident young guy who enjoys joking with friends. However, a few months ago, he began to feel pain and swelling in the corner of his lower jaw. After a dental checkup, he was diagnosed with endocervicitis, and his wisdom teeth had to be pulled. When T heard about how to get his wisdom teeth out, he was worried and didn’t understand what was going on. He worried whether wisdom teeth may change his look after hearing tales.

Before the procedure, the dentist emphasized that wisdom teeth extraction might alter the sunken cheeks and form of the face. Their promise was to conduct the procedure properly and carefully to reduce T’s depressed cheeks and face.

After surgery, T followed dental advice throughout rehabilitation. He saw that his face had changed a little bit, but that the changes were only temporary. He was glad to be out of pain and swelling, and he kept his faith. Similar to T’s experience, wisdom teeth extraction may modify the face’s contour, but with dental care, these changes are typically transitory and manageable.

Before Wisdom Tooth Extraction

T’s facial shape before wisdom teeth extraction was typically natural and balanced, with no concerning dental anomalies. He is youthful, confident, and smiling. T had proportionally sunken cheeks and well-spaced teeth, giving a charming grin:

After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The extraction of wisdom teeth might alter the contour of your face. Before T’s wisdom teeth were taken out, he had a natural, balanced face with evenly sunken cheeks and a bright smile.

However, wisdom teeth extraction changed T’s depressed cheeks, upper and lower cheeks were imbalanced, and other teeth moved.

After surgery, his face expanded and may alter form.  Fortunately, these changes are usually transient and can be managed. The operation relieves discomfort and edema so T’s face may return to its natural and confident form.

Can Wisdom Teeth Change Face Shape?

Can Wisdom Teeth Change Face Shape

According to experts in braces and porcelain crowns, pulling wisdom teeth does not make the face smaller or modify it until many teeth are extracted close to one other. However, wisdom tooth extraction may have a diverse effect on the face. Some individuals can tell that their face is becoming older again after having their wisdom teeth out, while others do not. The location and shape of the wisdom teeth, the extraction process, and each person’s constitution might modify the contour of your face and sunken cheeks. Consider these crucial factors:

Overbent or Overjet Cheeks

Sunken cheeks, also called overbite or overjet, are a common dental problem that can start or get worse after wisdom teeth are taken out. Your sunken cheeks may be affected by the wisdom teeth at the end of the molar row:

If the wisdom tooth is in an unsuitable place or near the main row of teeth, it might exert pressure on adjacent teeth following evacuation. This may alter sunken cheeks.

For instance, a slanted wisdom tooth might force the surrounding teeth out of place, creating crossbite or cheek strain. When there isn’t enough room in the mouth for wisdom teeth to grow properly, they can become impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth may move surrounding teeth. This may also create sunken cheeks or changes.

Change Facial Shape

Wisdom teeth extraction may alter the structure of the jawbone since they are normally deep inside. If anything major occurs, it has the potential to alter the form of the whole face. Depending on the context, this might make the face seem larger or smaller.

Furthermore, wisdom tooth extraction may cause changes in face angle and position. If wisdom teeth are removed improperly or there is insufficient space for development, the adjacent teeth may be pushed farther out. This may change the face’s appearance.

Occasionally, changes in a person’s facial shape mirror changes in their mental state. Unease about the new appearance may impact the person’s emotions.

Why Do Wisdom Tooth Extractions Change Your Face?

Alveolar Bone Loss

Alveolar bone resorption after wisdom teeth extraction changes your face. This technique may have unanticipated consequences. After tooth removal, alveolar bone loss occurs when bone tissue and blood vessels around the tooth are lost. The weakening of maxillofacial bone where the tooth was taken is a major impact of alveolar bone loss. The face may seem slimmer and shift form. Pressure reduction and lack of tooth pressure may also cause bone loss, causing the face to become more “sunken” in the region where the wisdom teeth were removed.

Furthermore, sunken cheeks may be caused by alveolar bone loss, particularly if wisdom teeth are near the main row of teeth. Unevenly sunken cheeks might result from bone loss moving neighboring teeth to wisdom teeth.

However, not everyone experiences these changes. The facial effect following wisdom teeth extraction depends on the patient’s health and treatment.

Why Do Wisdom Tooth Extractions Change Your Face

Natural Aging Effects

The normal aging process of the body can’t be stopped, and it can show up on the face after the wisdom teeth are taken out. While natural aging cannot be stopped, it may be regulated and calmed. Natural aging initially thins and loosens face skin by losing suppleness. Face wrinkles and creases may result. Over time, facial muscles weaken and tone, making the face less firm.

Furthermore, changes in jaw and face bone structure might occur as a result of aging. Bones may retain face structure while losing thickness. This may alter facial shape. But don’t worry about the face’s normal aging following wisdom teeth removal. This is a normal part of life that can be controlled with health care, diet, and a good lifestyle.

Extraction Of Adjacent Teeth

Losing many teeth in a row, including wisdom teeth and surrounding teeth, may cause changes in depressed cheeks and the location of remaining teeth. This can change the shape of the face as a whole, making it look different than it did before. When you lose multiple teeth, you can also lose room in your mouth, which can make the teeth that are still there smaller and possibly change their position. This shift in posture might result in uneven or incorrectly sunken cheeks, resulting in facial asymmetry.

Furthermore, numerous tooth extractions and tooth position alterations might impair face pigmentation and overall facial weight. All of these changes might make you feel self-conscious about your new look and have an impact on your psyche. However, each person’s dental health and treatment requirements determine whether to remove any neighboring teeth.

Due To Unhealthy Eating

When missing a tooth number 8, a diet change is the most usual and comprehensible explanation for the resulting tiny, thin face. After getting a tooth pulled, people usually feel bad pain and can’t eat a lot of things. Many people also don’t eat enough meals. Due to insufficient daily dietary intake, teeth extraction patients grow thinner. Many persons who lose weight will have a variety of facial expressions, and vice versa. The face gets haggard and smaller when tooth 8 is pulled because of this.

How To Remove Wisdom Teeth Without Sunken Cheeks And Little Face?

In many circumstances, wisdom teeth extraction does not result in sunken cheeks or a smaller face. However, there are a variety of circumstances and actions that might impact the ultimate result following wisdom teeth extraction. Here are some tips to help you avoid sunken cheeks or other cosmetic changes following wisdom teeth removal:

Orthodontics Or Tooth Transplantation

When many teeth must be pulled, including wisdom teeth and neighboring teeth, it is critical to preserve sunken cheeks and a correctly positioned face.

Luckily, many post-extraction treatments keep your face’s natural form. One possibility is tooth replantation, which is very beneficial for restoring lost teeth. A denture implant, dental bridge, or aloe vera may be used. You and your dentist may determine whether this procedure is right for you based on your dental condition and preferences. Suppose tooth extraction results in uneven or inadequately depressed cheeks, orthodontic techniques such as braces may be useful. Orthodontics may straighten teeth and balance your face.

Additionally, dental mechanics like dentures or dental bridges may be explored if you believe they are better appropriate for your situation.

Dental bone graft

Dental bone grafting may help retain the face’s natural shape and position following a wisdom tooth or multiple tooth extraction. It might be an essential alternative for bone regeneration when the jaw bone is lost or compromised following tooth extraction. One essential use of dental bone grafting is to produce a suitable bone environment for replanting teeth following wisdom tooth extraction. When your face bones are weak or thin, this is crucial for denture stability following implantation.

Furthermore, dental bone grafting may be performed to keep the remaining teeth in their normal place following several tooth extractions. Dental bone transplantation preserves cheek and tooth symmetry.

Finally, dental bone grafting may reconstruct bone and move teeth in uneven or depressed cheeks as part of orthodontic therapy.

Trustworthy Tooth Extraction Addresses

When choosing to remove wisdom teeth, individuals frequently feel overwhelmed by the various choices and worry about their oral health and looks. Patients should pick skilled tooth extraction specialists to minimize drooping cheeks following wisdom tooth extraction. The doctor must remove the requisite amount of bone to create a fulcrum to raise the wisdom teeth, especially if they are crooked or impacted. Spring Orchid Dental is more than simply a dental clinic; it is a place where reputation and professionalism are created through years of expertise and devotion.

What’s more, at Spring Orchid Dental, you’ll be handled with the utmost commitment and care. The medical staff prioritizes patients and guarantees a safe and enjoyable treatment experience. You will be fully informed about your dental health and treatment before your wisdom teeth are taken.

For wisdom teeth extraction, let Spring Orchid Dental help you make this crucial choice with confidence and peace of mind.


Does Removing Wisdom Teeth Change Your Jaw?

If done improperly or with a dental abnormality, wisdom teeth extraction might change jaw shape. Here are some of the ways wisdom teeth extraction may alter the jaw:

  • Uneven Sunken Cheeks: The look of hollowed cheeks might vary after wisdom teeth extraction. After wisdom teeth are taken, there is no room for the remaining teeth. Your sunken cheeks may become disproportionate.
  • Changing Face: Changes in face form might be caused by asymmetrically sunken cheeks or inappropriately sunken cheeks. As a result, the face may look imbalanced or organically changed.
  • Changing Tooth Position: Pressure from wisdom tooth extraction might shift surrounding teeth. This may disrupt tooth balance and position.
  • Pressure on the Jawbone: Removal of wisdom teeth may exert strain on the jawbone and modify its structure. The jaw may alter its size and form.

However, wisdom tooth removal and jaw impact may not necessarily cause major alterations. The wisdom tooth’s initial location, extraction method, and post-extraction care affect the change. Most importantly, see a dentist and follow post-tooth extraction advice to minimize undesirable changes and guarantee the greatest recovery.

How To Predict Facial Changes Following Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

There are a few things you may attempt to see whether your face will alter following wisdom teeth removal.

First, follow the recommendations and have frequent checkups and dental visits after surgery. Taking images of your face before and after the wisdom teeth extraction procedure is a vital approach to self-manage. Comparing these photos might reveal facial shape changes. Assess your comfort and confidence with your new look.

However, you should consult with your dentist to acquire a more precise picture and resolve any concerns. Your dentist can do a thorough check and give you an accurate estimate of your health and whether any changes are needed. It is important to note that alterations after wisdom teeth extraction are typically transient and may be managed and addressed over time.

Do Wisdom Teeth Affect Your Smile?

Yes, your smile can be changed by your wisdom teeth. However, several circumstances may affect this. Wisdom teeth can push on other teeth in the mouth if they don’t have enough room to grow or are under the gums. This can change the position of other teeth and give you an uneven smile. Sunken cheeks might result from unbalanced upper and lower cheeks. This may alter the grin and face.

However, it is critical not to overestimate the harmful effects. A dentist can help you prevent wisdom tooth issues. A good wisdom teeth removal surgery and subsequent follow-up may help you retain a confident and balanced smile.

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