What Happens If You Swallow A Tooth? Spring Orchid Dental

What Happens If You Swallow A Tooth

What happens if you swallow a tooth? Swallowing a tooth can be alarming but it typically isn’t serious. Teeth are generally small enough to pass through the digestive system without causing harm. The main concern is choking, particularly for young children, if the tooth becomes lodged in the throat or airway. To help you navigate […]

Dr Reagan Leung


Dr. Reagan Leung Dentist Dr Reagan Leung is a dedicated and friendly family dentist who completed his BDSc degree from the University of Western Australia in 2016 and has been practicing ever since. Languages Spoken: English and Cantonese 08 6155 8999 dentist@springorchid.com.au BOOK APPOINTMENT Dr Reagan Leung completed his BDSc degree from the University of […]

What Will Happen If We Don’t Brush Our Teeth For Our Whole Life?

What Will Happen If We Don't Brush Our Teeth For Our Whole Life

What will happen if we don’t brush our teeth for our whole life? Living without brushing your teeth may have major consequences. Oral health care is critical in daily living. However, lifelong tooth-brushing lapses may have received less attention. Let’s see what happens if we don’t have access to dental treatment. How Long Will Not […]

How Does A Cut On The Gums Heal If Gums Do Not Grow Back?

How Does A Cut On The Gums Heal If Gums Do Not Grow Back

How does a cut on the gums heal if gums do not grow back? Gums don’t renew like other tissues, therefore healing a gum wound includes tissue repair. Oral health is important, and occasionally we need to know how gums recover after being harmed. Cutting gums raises problems regarding the healing process since they don’t […]

Is There Any Way To Make My Mouth Wider? Yes Possible

Is There Any Way To Make My Mouth Wider

Is there any way to make my mouth wider? Yes, possible. Some dentistry and cosmetic surgery techniques may be investigated to expand your mouth. Some people find it attractive to smile widely and with a lot of expression. It boosts confidence and face beauty. However, others may feel their mouth is too wide. You’re not […]

Can You Brush Your Teeth While Fasting? 

Can You Brush Your Teeth While Fasting

Can you brush your teeth while fasting? While fasting, you may and should still wash your teeth. In this post, we’ll find out whether and how brushing your teeth impacts your fasting condition, as well as any special considerations you should make. The information should help you maintain good dental health throughout your fast. Can […]

Wisdom Teeth Candy: Types Of Sweets To Eat & Avoid

Wisdom Teeth Candy

“Wisdom teeth candy” or “candy after wisdom tooth extraction” is an attractive topic, especially for those recuperating after wisdom tooth extraction at the dental clinic. This article will go over the best sweets to consume after having your wisdom teeth out, as well as how to do so safely and properly. Wisdom Teeth Removal And […]

Broken Tooth Root Still In Gum With No Pain – Spring Orchid Dental

Broken Tooth Root Still In Gum With No Pain

Broken tooth root still in gum with no pain – It may seem strange and disturbing. However, dental difficulties might arise unexpectedly, leaving us wondering what to do. This talk will analyze the causes of a fractured tooth root staying in the gum without generating pain, as well as the necessity of resolving this dental […]

Can Tartar Broke Off While Flossing? Spring Orchid Dental

Tartar Broke Off While Flossing

“Tartar broke off while flossing” This line may startle you during your everyday oral hygiene regimen, but it emphasizes the significance of dental health. This article will discuss the importance of tartar building, the repercussions of its rapid detachment, and the actions you may take to avoid such unanticipated dental events. So, let’s look at […]

What Is The Whitest Shade Of Natural & Artificial Teeth?

What Is The Whitest Shade Of Natural & Artificial Teeth

What Is The Whitest Shade Of Natural & Artificial Teeth? Natural teeth are whitest at “A1.” Teeth seem whitest and most natural in this tint. B1 or BL1 is utilized to make the whitest and most attractive veneers and crowns. In cosmetic dentistry, B1 is used to determine tooth color since it matches genuine white […]