Child Dental Benefits Schedule CDBS

We Are A Provider Of Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) in Bassendean, Perth

$1,132 FREE Dental Treatment for Eligible Kids via the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule.

To assist our patients in these tough economic times, Spring Orchid Dental accepts Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) patients. We can help verify your child’s eligibility and remaining balance. We also bulk bill eligible patients, ensuring no out-of-pocket expenses. Claims are processed on the spot through our HICAPS facility using your Medicare card details.

Protect Your Child’s Dental Health

As parents, you dedicate time to ensuring your child’s overall health, from diet to exercise. But what about their dental health? Through the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS), eligible families can access essential dental services to protect their children’s teeth and gums. This Australian government initiative provides financial support for basic dental care.

About The Cdbs

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) replaced the Medicare Teen Dental Plan on January 1, 2014. Under this scheme, eligible children aged 2 to 17 can receive up to $1,132 over two calendar years for basic dental services. Families must meet a means test, which includes receiving Family Tax Benefit Part A or another eligible government payment. For more information, visit the Department of Human Services website or call Medicare on 132 011.

Dentist Bassendean Medciare Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Who Is Eligible For The Child Dental Benefits Schedule?

A child is eligible if they:

  • Are aged 2-17 years for at least one day of the calendar year.
  • Receive Family Tax Benefit Part A or another eligible government payment.

Eligibility is assessed by the Department of Human Services at the start of each calendar year, with notifications sent via mail. Once eligible, a child remains so for the entire calendar year, even if they turn 18 or stop receiving the government payment. To check eligibility, visit the Department of Human Services website.

What Dental Services Are Covered?

The CDBS covers essential dental treatments, including:

  • Check-ups and X-rays
  • Cleaning
  • Fissure sealing
  • Fillings
  • Root canal treatment
  • Extractions
  • Partial dentures

This assistance allows parents to ensure their children maintain a healthy smile.

How Does The $1,132 Cap Work?

Eligible children can use up to $1,132 over two calendar years for dental treatment. The two-year period starts at the beginning of the calendar year, not from the first appointment date. Key points:

  • Unused benefits in the first year roll over into the second.
  • Benefits do not carry forward beyond the two-year period.
  • If the full amount is used in the first year, no additional benefits are available in the second.
  • Benefits cannot be shared among family members.

Can I Use Private Health Insurance With Cdbs?

You cannot claim benefits from both private health insurance and the CDBS for the same treatment. However, private insurance can be used for treatments not covered under the CDBS.

Does Spring Orchid Dental Bulk Bill CDBS Services?

Yes! We provide bulk-billed services under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, ensuring no out-of-pocket expenses for eligible treatments.

How Does Bulk Billing Work?

Our dentists bulk bill all eligible services, meaning:

  • No upfront payments for covered treatments.
  • Prior to treatment, we inform you of the available balance and any additional costs.
  • Written consent is obtained before proceeding with any treatment.

The CDBS does not cover:

  • Orthodontic or cosmetic dental work.
  • Any dental services provided in a hospital.

If a treatment is not covered, you will need to pay for it out of pocket.

Check Your Child’s Eligibility Today!

If you think your child may be eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, visit the Department of Health website or call Medicare at 132 011. You can also contact Spring Orchid Dental Clinic Bassendean for assistance in verifying eligibility and booking an appointment. We can assist you with verifying your child’s eligibility and remaining balance. We will also be Bulk Billing eligible patients so there are no out of pocket expenses. We can process the claim with your Medicare card details through our HICAPS facility. Ensure your child’s dental health is in the best hands-schedule their visit today!

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