Mandibular Repositioning Device

Did You Know That Mandibular Repositioning Device (MRD) Is Designed For Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (Osa) And Snoring? What Is A Mandibular Repositioning Device (MRD)? A mandibular repositioning device (MRD) is a dental appliance used to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Also known as a mandibular advancement device (MAD), an MRD works by moving the […]
Dental Care For Seniors

Geriatric – Dental Care For Seniors is a vital part of staying healthy as you get older. As oral health may be a mirror of the general health of numerous systems in your body, having good teeth is essential to aging properly. What to expect from the dentist for a senior’s appointment? Discover our Geriatric […]
Sedation Dentistry

Welcome to Spring Orchid Dental, where we specialize in the transformative power of Sedation Dentistry in Bassendean, Perth. If you’ve been avoiding dental visits due to fear or anxiety, our team is here to help. At Spring Orchid Dental, we understand the importance of creating a comfortable and relaxed environment for our patients. Whether you […]
Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment is a procedure in which your dentist or an endodontist cleans and forms the interior of the root canal, removes the infected pulp and nerve in the tooth’s root, and then fills and covers the opening. This page describes root canal therapy in depth, including how it can reduce tooth pain and […]
Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a type of dental restoration that can be used to replace one or more missing teeth (tooth loss). This is accomplished by using the teeth on either side of the space left by the missing tooth as pillars to support a bridge that connects the two natural teeth on either side of the […]
Dr Belinda Luu
Dr. Belinda Luu Dentist Dr Belinda Luu is a dedicated and friendly family dentist who completed her BDSc degree from the University of Western Australia.Belinda is a premier dental care provider who always give her patients that gentle dental experience. Languages Spoken: English, Vietnamese and some Mandarin. 08 6155 8999 BOOK APPOINTMENT Dr Belinda […]
Dr Reagan Leung

Dr. Reagan Leung Dentist Dr Reagan Leung is a dedicated and friendly family dentist who completed his BDSc degree from the University of Western Australia in 2016 and has been practicing ever since. Languages Spoken: English and Cantonese 08 6155 8999 BOOK APPOINTMENT Dr Reagan Leung completed his BDSc degree from the University of […]
Book Dentist Appointment Online

Book Dentist Appointment Book a dentist appointment online and we’ll send a text message reminder straight to your phone. Pick and choose the best time that suits you, from our live appointment booking calendar.(You can start booking now or see below for assistance) With our book online option, we’ve tried to make scheduling an appointment […]
广东话牙医 – Spring Orchid Dental 牙医 Bassendean

SPRING ORCHID DENTAL 牙医診所 – 中文牙醫 位于Bassendean的牙医诊所Spring Orchid Dental提供中文牙医服务和治疗,由华人牙医领导。我们专注于牙科治疗和手术,配备现代化设备并按照澳大利亚牙科协会标准消毒。该诊所已获得国家质量安全协会认可。 牙医 Ylan PhamB. Sc., D.M.D毕业于西澳大利亚大学牙科学院 (UWA) 牙医 Belinda LuuBBiomedSc ((UWA) – DMD (Dist) (UWA)毕业于西澳大利亚大学牙科学院 (UWA) 牙医 Gia-Long NguyenB. Sc., D.M.D毕业于西澳大利亚大学牙科学院 (UWA) 牙医 Reagan LeungB. D. Sc毕业于西澳大利亚大学牙科学院 (UWA) 牙医 Sara NguyenB. D. Sc毕业于西澳大利亚大学牙科学院 (UWA) 牙医 Millicent TaylorB.Chd., GradCertHPE, MSc., FRACDS西澳大利亚大学牙科学院教授 (UWA) 专业: 紧急治疗牙齒肿胀,疼痛,破裂,断或假牙鬆脱。 定期检查和治疗儿童,成人和老年人的牙齿。 预防疾病,治愈牙龈出血和口臭。 洗牙,填補裂缝,以防止蛀牙。 提供防磨蚀牙及防打鼾裝置。 治疗牙周炎(牙龈疾病)。 恢复牙齿,補牙,取牙根,全牙缺失治疔,牙冠,搭橋,种牙 (Implant)。 拔牙和智齿手术。 美容牙科再现了自信,補牙,漂白牙齿,更换瓷器填充物,牙冠,和美学贴面瓷膏。 […]
Restorative Dentistry

Are you looking for restorative dentistry service in Bassendean? You’ve definitely heard of restorative dentistry procedures like veneers, fillings, crowns, bridges, dentures, and dental implants. These treatments enhance the health and functionality of the mouth. What is Restorative Dentistry? Restorative dentistry is the process of restoring the functionality of the mouth through dental operations. This […]