3rd Party Disclosure

Please refer to our Third Party Disclosure Policy for more details.

It is the policy of the practice not to disclose your personal health information at all times. We will not disclose your health information to a third party unless we have your consent or you are at risk of harm without treatment and you are unable to provide consent. Please ask for our privacy policy

Medical Records Disclosure

Our practice is committed to quality improvement and is accredited with AGPAL.
Your Personal Health Information and Medical Records may be collected, used and disclosed for the following reasons:

  • Communicating relevant information with other treating doctors, specialists or allied health professionals
  • Follow up reminder / recall notices National / State or territory registers
  • State / Territory reminder systems (e.g. cervical screening, pap smears reminders or familiar cancer registries)
  • Accounting / Medicare / Health Insurance procedures
  • Quality Assurance activities such as accreditation:
  • Disease notification as required by law.
  • Use by all doctors in this group practice when consulting with you
  • Legal related disclosure as required by a court of law
  • Research purposes (de-identified)

If you have any concerns or wish to restrict access to your personal health information, please discuss these with your doctor or management.

This practice adheres to the RACGP standards for the Management of Health Information in Private Medical Practice and has a written policy, which is available to all patients for inspection.